Photo Edits


Date Taken: 6.22.10 @ 7:59 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 6.22.10 @ 7:59 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/200
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 6.22.10 @ 7:59 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens


Date Taken: 6.22.10 @ 7:43 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 6.22.10 @ 7:43 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/125
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 6.22.10 @ 7:43 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 1/250
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

I had a lot of fun doing these HDR photos. I took several more but these two were my favorites. I didn’t use the student program. I tried to purchase it with the student discount code but the code didn’t work, so I tried to get the trial but for some reason it wouldn’t work on my computer. Photoshop yielded some poor HDR results, so I ended up using a program called Hydra, which my dad already had. I didn’t change the photos at all I just plugged in the three exposures and out came my HDR images.


Date Taken: 3.19.10 @ 7:29 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/125
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 6.22.10 @ 8:09 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 6.23.10 @ 7:14 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/1.8
Shutter Speed: 1/400
Camera: Nikon D70, 50mm lens

Date Taken: 6.23.10 @ 7:34 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/1.8
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Camera: Nikon D70, 50mm lens

Date Taken: 5.7.10 @ 7:46 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/22
Shutter Speed: 1 second
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Although going to Bannack with the class would have been great and inspiring, I ended up having a lot of fun photographing my hometown, Sammamish, WA. Sammamish is a newly incorporated city, since 1999. So there are tons of really old buildings and barns, but also lots of new architecture. Lots of nature but lots of modern things to take pictures of as well. All these pictures, including the HDR images are within 3 minutes from my house. The first picture of the barn I added a colorized sepia layer and lowered the opacity, added a mask, and let the roof and grass color shine through some more. For the sunset picture I just fixed the levels a bit. On Ben’s portrait I burned the edges and upped the saturation. Nothing was changed in the new growth picture, I just got as close as I could with as wide of an aperture as possible. The last picture I just burned the edges.

Photo Edits

Date Taken: 6.23.10 @ 4:41 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 11.23.09 @ 1:50 p.m.
Location: Kerry Park, Seattle, WA
Aperture: f/13
Shutter Speed: 1/40
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

I wanted to have Ben climbing up something, at first I had planned on a picture of a huge tree from our background but I didn’t think it was drastic enough. So I used an old picture of the Seattle Space Needle from last November. So I cut Ben out using a number of tools… quick selection tool, magic wand, lasso, refine edge option, then masking and using a brush to touch up. I fixed the contrast on him a bit using levels and the brightness/contrast option considering the lighting of the two pictures didn’t match very well. For the Space Needle picture I brought up the saturation, and used an unsharp mask filter. Put them together and voila! You get Ben Kong.


Date Taken: 6.23.10 @ 4:35 p.m.
Location: Backyard, Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: 1/20
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

This is what happens when little brothers get on your nerves! My models were two of my younger brothers. I just had Ben (the one being eaten) lean back against the swing pole and then positioned Hansen (doing the eating) to look like he was attacking. Then I angled my camera to make it look even more like he was leaning back and picking Ben up. I blurred the “background” a tiny bit in order to bring Ben and Hansen to the foreground. Then I dodged the boys a little so they would stand out more.

Photo Edits

For the first photo edit of the sleeping boat, I did tutorial number 10. I started out using 100% of the history brush, painting in the image. Then I switched to 30%, and layered in some more of the boat. Then once it was finished I posterized the edges to give both the boat image and the actual brush strokes the posterized look. Finally I increased the canvas size to give it a black border. For the second image edit I did tutorial number 13, the burned border. Just followed the directions and that’s what I got!

Night Photos

Date Taken: 5.6.10 @ 10:13 p.m.
Location: Pine Lake, Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 30 seconds
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 5.6.10 @ 10:05 p.m.
Location: Pine Lake, Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 10 seconds
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 6.19.10 @ 10:23 p.m.
Location: Hood Canal House, WA
Aperture: f/5.3
Shutter Speed: 30 seconds
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

These three photos are all new. The first two were taken at a lake less than a mile from my house. The first one of the ladder, I reduced the noise and then just changed it to black and white, then burned the bottom two corners a bit. The second one of the lake I didn’t change at all. The last one of the boat was taken out at our house on the Hood Canal, a boat docked in our cove for the night so my dad and I went to take some pictures of it. Obviously there is NO light out there, even with the 30 second exposure with a wide open aperture it was still very dark, so I just fixed the levels and exposure in photoshop to lighten it up a little more.

Panoramic Photo

My brother lives in one of the apartments on the right of the photo, and I’ve always wanted to take a panoramic photo of the Seattle skyline from this park. I actually took several more pictures, so the panoramic was a lot wider. I decided it looked better this way.

Daily Photo Journal

Date Taken: 3.26.2010 @ 9:03 a.m.
Location: Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/8000
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 3.27.2010 @ 8:59 a.m.
Location: Nauvoo, IL
Aperture: f/9
Shutter Speed: 1/4000
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 3.28.2010 @ 9:31 a.m.
Location: Somewhere between Nauvoo and Carthage, IL
Aperture: f/22
Shutter Speed: 1/400
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 3.29.2010 @ 10:43 a.m.
Location: Somewhere between Nauvoo and Carthage, IL
Aperture: f/25
Shutter Speed: 1/250
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 3.30.2010 @ 11:17 a.m.
Location: Carthage Jail, Carthage, IL
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/125
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 3.31.2010 @ 9:47 a.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 4.1.2010 @ 6:45 p.m.
Location: Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/30
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

I had a lot of fun doing these photos because I had this project in mind when we took a trip out to Nauvoo. The first day we were there we went to the gateway arch and I took a bunch of pictures there. I really liked this one that I chose for my day 1 photo, and I didn’t do anything to the photo to enhance it, I thought it turned out great straight from the camera. The next day we drove out to Nauvoo and I took a bunch of pictures of the temple. I fixed the levels to brighten it all up, and burned the bottom two corners just a tad. We were staying at a place in Carthage which is about 25 minutes away from Nauvoo, so each day we were making the drive from city to city, so the next two pictures were selections from the drive. On the third day of the trip in the middle of nowhere there was an old building with a ton of old cars and junk out front, and they had crudely written the words “Nothing For Sale” on the side of their house. My dad and I thought it was hilarious so we got out and took some pictures. I loved the bright colors of the sky and the different trucks. I dodged the highlights around the lettering and burned the top of the sky. Day 4’s picture was just one I took from the passenger’s seat of the car as we drove by. I faded the colors to give it an antique look, and burned the corners. The last day we were there (Day 5) we finally visited Carthage Jail. I also changed the colors for it to look more antique, as if it were a photo from back in the day. Back home on day 6 I was just in my room messing with my camera and snapped this shot of my lamp. At first I thought it was junk but I changed it to black and white and ended up really liking the composition. Finally day 7 I ventured out to a random rustic barn thing and in one of the windows were these three old bottles which I liked. This photo I changed to black and white, dodged the bottles, and burned the bottom corners.

Photo Edits

For this edit I changed the levels, fixed the bags under Ben’s eyes, covered up the cut on his cheek, and lightened/brightened his eyes.


Date Taken: 4.7.2010 @ 3:45 p.m.
Location: Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA
Aperture: f/4.4
Shutter Speed: 1/5000
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 5.31.2010 @ 10:20 p.m.
Location: Quilcene, WA
Aperture: f/4.4
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 3.26.2010 @ 11:14 a.m.
Location: St. Louis, MO
Aperture: f/6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 3.26.2010 @ 10:43 a.m.
Location: Atop the Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO
Aperture: f/9
Shutter Speed: 1/25
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

Date Taken: 11.11.09 @ 8:43 a.m.
Location: Rexburg, ID
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/50
Camera: Nikon D70, 18-70mm lens

I ended up posting one extra picture, hope that’s alright.  🙂 The first picture is a new picture of my little brother Andrew. I didn’t think the photo would work, since the lighting was so bright and I was taking the picture from below so the sky would be my background, but I ended up really liking that Andrew’s face was the highlight and shadow, and the background was the midtone. I changed it to black and white using a gradient map and burned the edges. The next picture is my littlest brother, Ben, and our dog Olive. I didn’t do anything except crop that picture, since I chose that one to do my photo editing with. The third picture is my dad. I changed the levels of just him, making it a little lighter, and then burned the edges a bit. The picture of my dad with his camera may or may not be considered a typical “portrait” but if you know my dad, you’d better recognize him in the second picture than in the first. So I guess you could say it’s a portrait of one of his favorite hobbies. I really just loved the window lighting that illuminated his fingers and his camera. Last is a picture of Derek, I figured it was only fitting to have my old picture be one of him. It was also window lighting, and I just changed it to black and white.